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Different Ways to Keep Your Google Browsing Private

After recent Google privacy policy changes many users are concern about their privacy because Google will bring user data across all of its services, but the privacy itself did not changed. However if you are still not sure and don’t like this changed there are many ways you can keep your browsing private and in this tutorial I will give you some easy to follow tips.

Tip 1: Logout from your Google account

Make sure that every time you are done using Google account to sign out because Google will collect your cookies. The problem is that even when you are logged out Google is still able to see your IP address, but next tip should fix that problem.

Tip 2: Enable Private Browsing in your Web Browser

Depending on which web browser you use enabling private browsing is different, but I will show you how to do that in different web browsers
In Google Chrome you can switch in incognito browsing which means that pages that you search will not appear in your browsing history or even search results. Another good side of this incognito browsing is that it won’t leave cookies in your web browser. To enable incognito browsing in Google Chrome click gear icon from top right of your Chrome browser and from dropdown menu choose New incognito window
In Mozilla Firefox you can turn on Private Browsing by clicking Firefox button located at top right of your screen and choose Start Private Browsing option. After that your Firefox button will appear purple instead of orange color. Private Browsing will erase your cookies after you close your web browser window.
Private Browsing also exist in Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer 9 which is also located in settings menu.
If you really don’t want to expose your privacy and what you search use some other search engines instead of Google e.g. DuckDuckGo which say that it will not track your activities.

Tip 3: Go Anonymous with third party tools

If you use tools like Anonymizer Google won’t be able to track your IP address. What Anonymizer do, is that he hides your IP address and protect all your internet activity no matter where you are located or what network you are using.

Tip 4: Use VirtualPrivateNetwork (VPN)

With VPN it is much harder to track someone back to original endpoint which means they are harder to bypass. Using AnchorFree you can hide your IP address and you will be sure that each page you visit is secure as a bank site, turning HTTP request into HTTPS. Another good side of AnchorFree free is that it can detect and block malicious applications, malware sites, illegal or phishing sites, spam sites and content farms.

Tip 5: Setup Your Google Web History

Once you are logged in into your Google account go to your Google Dashboard and look for Google privacy settings and adjust them to make Google collect the minimum amount of data from your. This will ensure that your web history is not constantly stored by Google.

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