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Turn Your Phone Into a Server with Servers Ultimate

No doubt a large number of XDA members have an old Android phone sitting in the desk drawer gathering dust. What to do with it? Sell it and make a few $? Hand it down to a friend or relative? Leave it in the drawer to gather even more dust?

XDA Forum Member Themuzz has come up with something that may just make that decision for you. Servers Ultimate is a somewhat unique app that let’s you make use of that spare Android device by turning it into a server. The app allows you to run a number of different supported server types; DLNA, DNS, DDNS, Email (POP3 and SMTP), FTP(S), Proxy (tunneling), SMS Gateway, Time (NTP or TP), HTTP(S) and/or (secure) WebDAV.
With this range of options, you can do things such as stream media to your devices using the ever popular DLNA, create your own email server, setup a proxy server, share files with an FTP server, or even setup your own web server. You can run multiple instances of the same server at the same time. And with DDNS, you can easily ensure you servers always remain online and accessible.
The servers can be started and stopped depending on the connected wifi network, and can be started on boot or on when the app is started. The device can be kept alive or awake while in use, and best of all, it doesn’t require root.
So if you want to tinker with a server, pull out that old Android device, give it a charge, and head over to the app thread.

Source: xda-developers

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